
Accredo Packaging
2023 to present
Public Relations

ClearGen, a company focused on financing clean energy projects, was looking to elevate its brand and clearly communicate its value proposition to a diverse audience of investors, project developers, and corporate partners. In a rapidly evolving energy sector, ClearGen needed a communications strategy that could distinguish its innovative financing solutions and emphasize its role in driving sustainable energy projects. The goal was to enhance visibility, build credibility, and position ClearGen as a key player in the clean energy space.

Our Approach:
Pietryla PR partnered with ClearGen to serve as an integral part of their marketing team, leading the development and execution of a communications strategy designed to raise awareness and build authority in the clean energy sector. Our strategy focused on:

  • Positioning & Messaging: We worked closely with ClearGen’s leadership to craft a messaging framework that clearly articulated the company’s unique approach to clean energy financing. This included emphasizing ClearGen’s ability to provide capital for renewable energy, energy efficiency, and storage projects in a way that accelerates growth for developers and mitigates risk for investors.
  • Media Relations & Thought Leadership: To boost ClearGen’s visibility, Pietryla PR executed a targeted media outreach campaign, securing coverage in industry publications and positioning ClearGen executives as thought leaders in the clean energy financing space. This included interviews, op-eds, and speaking opportunities that highlighted ClearGen’s expertise and innovative financing models.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Working as part of ClearGen’s marketing team, Pietryla PR led efforts to engage with key stakeholders, including investors, corporate partners, and policymakers. This involved crafting clear, consistent communications across multiple platforms, from press releases and white papers to web content and investor presentations, ensuring that ClearGen’s message was both compelling and credible.

The Results:

  • ClearGen’s visibility in the clean energy space grew significantly, with media coverage in key industry outlets and increased recognition of the brand as a trusted provider of clean energy financing solutions.
  • Thought leadership efforts positioned ClearGen’s executives as authoritative voices in clean energy financing, helping the company build credibility with investors and partners.
  • Engagement with key stakeholders strengthened, resulting in increased interest from investors and project developers, and positioning ClearGen as a leader in financing the transition to a clean energy future.

As a strategic partner and an extension of ClearGen’s internal marketing team, Pietryla PR played a vital role in shaping and executing a communications strategy that elevated the company’s brand within the clean energy sector. By focusing on targeted messaging, media outreach, and stakeholder engagement, Pietryla PR helped ClearGen solidify its position as a leader in clean energy financing and expand its influence in a growing and competitive market.